When searching for a chimney company, I highly recommend hiring someone who is CSIA certified. (Visit CSIA.org for more information).
Do you trust who you’re dealing with? Are your questions and expectations being met? We strive to provide the best service possible from start to finish. From scheduling your appointment to providing the service, we are here every step of the way. Even after the appointment we encourage you to stay in touch with questions or concerns you may have throughout the seasons.
You should be receiving an inspection report with every chimney sweep, with findings being documented with photos and/or descriptions so you have a full understanding of your system.
You’ll receive an emailed PDF copy of the report along with your invoice from Coachlight Chimney & Fireplace LLC, so you easily reference the report as needed.
Every chimney and fireplace is different so we stay vigilant to ensure keeping you as safe as possible.
We are a family owned and operated company and will treat you like one of our own!
Reach us at 248-251-9348 or coachlightchimney@gmail.com